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Prenatal Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

  • PGD is a procedure in which one of the cells (blastomere) of the embryo is removed for genetic analysis three days after egg retrieval to identify genetically abnormal embryos. By not transferring abnormal embryos, this procedure may reduce the chance of miscarriage, or when done to identify specific genetic disorders, may prevent the need for termination of pregnancy or the birth of a baby with a serious genetic disease.

    The most common indication for PGD is when the female is older (over 35 or particularly over age 40). The chance of successful pregnancy steadily falls and the chance of miscarriage steadily rises with increasing age because more of the embryos are genetically abnormal. Such couples can choose PGD so that only normal embryos are transferred in to the uterus.

    Once the PGD procedure has been performed and embryos that are free of genetic problems have been identified, implantation will be attempted through embryo transfer.

    Any Chromosomal abnormality is a major cause for the failure of embryos that are implanted, and miscarriages. If implantation does occur they may lead to genetically abnormal children.