+91 9408 17 26 20

Steps to Treatment

  • Your initial consultation at Nirmal IVF Centre begins our process of getting to know you, gathering more information about your condition(s) and starting to develop an individualized treatment plan.

    At your initial Nirmal IVF consultation you will:

    • Meet your Nirmal IVF Centre physician and other members of your care team.

    • Speak extensively with your Nirmal IVF physician about your fertility history.

    • Review your medical, surgical and family histories with your Nirmal IVF doctor.

    • If necessary, determine which simple tests will provide an accurate diagnosis.

    • Begin to derive a comprehensive and individualized treatment plan.

    • Get answers to questions you have about infertility, treatment or your personal case.

    • Meet with an experienced Financial Coordinator (a liaison between you and your insurance company) to learn what will be covered by your insurance provider.

    • To set up your initial consult, simply call the Nirmal IVF centre most convenient to you. We will set up an appointment and work with you to ensure insurance coverage for the consult.

    What Kinds of Tests To Expect At An Initial Consultation

    Nirmal IVF Centre medical doctors typically perform three tests when a couple schedules an initial consultation. For the female partner a blood test can determine whether hormones are in the correct balance and an examination of the pelvic cavity can determine whether there are any physical impediments to fertility. For the male partner, a semen analysis can show whether there are issues with sperm. We will also review each partner’s medical, surgical and family history and answer any questions you may have.